Celebrate Menander: Craftsmanship Meets Innovation
Find your favorites among our trusted selection of Menander must-haves.
Menander: The Principal Fragments
Menander : The Grouch, Desperately Seeking Justice, Closely Cropped Locks, the Girl from Samos, the Shield (Penn Greek Drama Series)
The Plays and Fragments (Oxford World's Classics) 1st Edition
The Plays and Fragments (Oxford World's Classics) Paperback – 8 May 2008
Menander Rhetor. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Ars Rhetorica
Menander: Samia (The Woman from Samos) (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
Menander: A Commentary Hardcover – 14 June 1973
Menander: Samia, Sikyonioi, Synaristosai, Phasma, Unidentified Fragments. Volume III (Loeb Classical Library No. 460)
Menander Rhetor. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Ars Rhetorica: 539 (Loeb Classical Library)
Menander Rhetor. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Ars Rhetorica (Loeb Classical Library)
Menander, the Principal Fragments
Menander: The Plays and Fragments
Menander: Epitrepontes (Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions)
Menander and Life: A comic take on Gender, Class and Status in Ancient Athens (Chris Vervain on Menander)
Menander: The Principal Fragments; With an English Translation (Classic Reprint)
Menander 'Misoumenos' or 'The Hated Man': Introduction, Translation, and Commentary
Menander 'Misoumenos' or 'The Hated Man': Introduction, Translation, and Commentary: 143 (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplements)
The Complete Fragments of Menander (Some Assembly Required) & Other Plays
Menander Reliquiae Selectae n/e (Oxford Classical Texts)
Plays and Fragments (Penguin Classics)
Menander: The Principal Fragments (Loeb Classical Library)
Menander: Dyskolos, Samia and Other Plays - Companion
Der Neue Menander: Bemerkungen...
Menander in Contexts (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies)
Music for Menander (Chris Vervain on Menander)
Menander: Samia (The Woman from Samos)
Menander und Glycerion (German Edition)
The Lately Discovered Fragments of Menander
Szenen aus Menanders Komoedien (Classic Reprint)
Menander 'Perikeiromene' or 'The Shorn Head'
Menander: Webster's Timeline History, 393 BC - 2007
Wealth and Acharnians: also includes Menander's The Grouch (Aristophanes and Menander Book 4)
Exits and Entrances in Menander
Menander, New Comedy and the Visual
Menander, the Principal Fragments: With an English Translation (Classic Reprint)
Menander: A Rhetor in Context
The Lately Discovered Fragments of Menander: Edited With English Version, Revised Text, and Critical and Explanatory Notes (Classic Reprint)
Studies in Menander ... F. Warren Wright, 1910
Studies In Menander (1911)
Menander: Heros, Theophoroumene, Karchedonios, Kitharistes, Kolax, Koneiazomenai, Leukadia, Misoumenos, Perikeiromene, Perinthia (Loeb Classical Library No. 459) Hardcover – February 15, 1997
Plays and Fragments (Penguin Classics)
Menander's Georgos. a Revised Text of the Geneva Fragment
Samia. Sikyonioi. Synaristosai. Phasma. Unidentified Fragments
Der Neue Menander: Bemerkungen
Observations on the Colax of Menander and the Eunuch of Terence
Aristophanes and Menander: Three Comedies: Peace, Money, the God, and Samia
Menanders Kolax: Ein Beitrag Zu Rekonstruktion Und Interpretation Der Komödie. Mit Edition Und Übersetzung Der Fragmente Und Testimonien Sowie Einem Dramaturgischen Kommentar
Menander's Georgos. A Revised Text of the Geneva Fragment
New Comedy: Women in Power; Wealth; The Malcontent; The Woman from Samos
Assessment Life Insurance: A Treatise Showing the Origin, Development and Condition of the Assessment System of Life Insurance
Four Plays Of Menander: The Hero, Epitrepontes, Periceiromene And Samia
Der Neue Menander: Bemerkungen...
Menander: Testimonia et Fragmenta apud scriptores servata
Menander: The Grouch, Desperately Seeking Justice, Closely Cropped Locks, The Girl from Samos, The Shield
Love in the Age of War: Soldiers in Menander
Menander, the Principal Fragments, with an English Translation by Francis G. Allinson
Menander: The Shield and The Arbitration
The Complete Fragments of Menander (Some Assembly Required) & Other Plays
Szenen Aus Menanders Komoedien
The Sentences of the Syriac Menander: Introduction, Text and Translation, and Commentary: 7 (Gorgias Studies in Classical and Late Antiquity)
Menander: Samia (The Woman from Samos) (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
The Play of Language in Ancient Greek Comedy: Comic Discourse and Linguistic Artifices of Humour, from Aristophanes to Menander: 154 (Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes, 154)
Das Bildnis Menanders: Sonderabdruck aus dem 21. Bande der Neuen Jahrbücher für das Klassische Altertum Geschichte und Deutsche Literatur
Menander: v. 2 (Loeb Classical Library) by Menander (1996-12-31)
Menander And Aurelia Or The Triumph Of Love And Constancy: A Novel (1741)
Menander: Testimonia et Fragmenta apud scriptores servata: 6 (POETAE COMICI GRAECI)
The Lately Discovered Fragments of Menander: Edited With English Version, Revised Text, and Critical and Explanatory Notes (Classic Reprint)
Menander and Aurelia: Or, the Triumph of Love and Constancy
Menander: Samia (The Woman from Samos) (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
The Vocabulary Of Menander Considered In Its Relation To The Koine