Hyper Tough 3.7-Amp 20-Inch Electric Hedge Trimmer HT21-401-002-02
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Hyper Tough 3.7-Amp 20-Inch Electric Hedge Trimmer HT21-401-002-02

Product ID: 473138635
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The light and fast Hyper Tough 3.7-Amp 20-Inch Electric Hedge Trimmer is powerful enough and long enough to make your lawn and garden look crisp, and clean, and like a professional is taking care of things. With a 20-inch long blade, the tops of your hedges will look flat and even. And with the versatile handle you’ll easily get to the sides and bottoms to clean those up, too. The 1800/min no load speed, ¾” blade diameter, and diamond ground double-action blades churn through your chore with ease. At just 4.3 pounds you can work long and lift this trimmer up high. And the 2-year limited warranty lets you know we stand behind the quality construction of this product. • Diamond ground double-action blades for clean, fast cuts • Dual safety trigger design so this trimmer only activates when you mean for it to • Ergonomic grip handle lets you cut comfortably • 1800/min no load speed slices through thick shrubs and hedges • ¾” cutting diameter encircles thick twigs and most hedge branches • Only 4.3 lbs., so you can comfortably lift it up high when needed

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Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

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