In this book, various solution based depositionmethods for carbon nanotube based thin films arediscussed. Then extensive studies about the transportproperties are presented, including density,temperature, voltage, and frequency dependence. Thedensity study of the conductivity of rare networksreveals two-dimensional percolation behavior. Thetemperature dependent reveals that tunneling betweenthe SWNT-SWNT junctions is the governing mechanismfor carriers transport. Frequency dependent (2 Hz -10GHz) conductivity shows universal power law behaviorfor systems with randomly distributed barriers. Twomajor applications of nanotube based thin films areincluded: thin film transistors using semiconductorbehavior of percolating nanotube network andtranspare electrode of 10-100 nm thick nanotubefilms. Device applications of the transparent SWNTelectrodes: as anodes for organic solar cells,displays, as stretchable electrodes for actuator, andas microwave shielding materials. In the end, lightsensitive nanotube hybrids and nanotube composite arediscussed in solar cells and bio-fuels.
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